Article Link: Field-Scale Variability of Soil Properties in Central Iowa Soils by C.A. Cambardella, et al., 1994

I am placing the link information for this article here with the thought that easier access to articles such as this will encourage reading and open discussion.  This is also an open invitation for you to write a precis on this article (or, any other article that you find necessary or interesting)….

Older articles such as this one can be used for comparison with the data in newer articles.


Article:  Field-Scale Variability of Soil Properties in Central Iowa Soils  pdf

Author:  C.A. Cambardella, T.B. Moorman, J.M. Novak, T.B. Parkin, D.I. Karlen, R.F. Turco and A.E. Konopka

Journal:  Soil Science Society of America Journal.  Vol. 58:  pages 1501-1511.

Published in:  1994

My copy was downloaded on November 22, 2014 from


About TheMorningTomatoReport

Just a normal person: - mother - daughter - sister - aunt - university student - concerned citizen - ticketed tradesman - salesperson - entrepreneur. There is a bumper sticker I have seen a few times: If you aren't outraged, you aren't paying attention! The "outraged" part is getting stronger. This is why I am here!

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